VAIVA GmbH - Safe Mobility

Virtual development at VAIVA – A success story

With the virtual development of vehicle functions, VAIVA is an indispensable partner of long-standing expertise of the Volkswagen Group. For more than 10 years we have been doing our part to bring safe production vehicles to the market. With a focus on the replication of functional and driving dynamic properties of a real reference vehicle, […]

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A place where anything is possible – Interview with Mirko

Back to the future – from the historical ideas to the first implementations thanks to numerous technological advances to the current hype. This aptly sums up our journey into the metaverse. In our “Talk, Meet, Eat” format – TME for short – we use keynote speeches from a wide range of experts to look beyond […]

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Making your heart’s desire a reality – Interview with Bastian

The demands on vehicle safety are already enormous today. But how will these change as vehicles become increasingly automated? To answer this question, we dared to take a look into the future with our department head Bastian. How we are already contributing to Vision Zero and what Bastian's very personal view of safe mobility is, of course, also included.

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Core priority “Safe mobility” and thus positively impact the lives of millions of people – Interview with Victor

Safe mobility moves us – not only professionally, but also very personally. With our team leader Victor, we not only examined these two perspectives, but also looked into the safety aspects of autonomous driving in the future. You can read about all of this and the prospects and challenges it poses for VAIVA in the […]

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“My contribution to autonomous driving systems can help save lives” – Interview with Mayank, master’s student at VAIVA

Our master’s student Mayank reports on the fascination with automobiles and vehicle safety that has never left him. With his thesis, he is not only deepening his own knowledge of virtual vehicle simulations, but also bringing new impetus to VAIVA. Mayank sees simulation and testing as indispensable components for the safe mobility of the future. […]

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In a DeLorean between nanoradar and the customer – Viktor in portrait

Experiencing how customers perceive functions is important for project manager Viktor: When he gets into the car, he transforms into a customer. When he sits in front of the laptop or in a meeting, he becomes a negotiator between the project team and the customer. Not an easy job, but an activity that is so […]

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