A place where anything is possible – Interview with Mirko
Back to the future – from the historical ideas to the first implementations thanks to numerous technological advances to the current hype. This aptly sums up our journey into the metaverse. In our “Talk, Meet, Eat” format – TME for short – we use keynote speeches from a wide range of experts to look beyond our own horizons, with the aim of gaining creative and innovative approaches to solutions for our daily work. And even the Metaverse has no influence on VAIVA yet, only at first glance.
Hello Mirko, in our last TME we dealt with the Metaverse. What impressions did you take away from the evening?
Prof. Koubek’s presentation was very exciting. He did not deal with the technology itself, but with the why and wherefore of the Metaverse. In principle, man has been longing for a higher place for centuries. So the Metaverse has nothing to do with the hype from last year. What I found particularly exciting is that the ideas behind the technologies of today are based on the wants and needs from history. For example, multiplayer games, the Metaverse itself, and Utopia are ways to get to a place where anything is possible. Or the “reading” machine with the desire for quick access to knowledge, as is common today on the Internet. Or communication in a broad scope. Whether it’s telegraphy, the Internet or video chat, the ideas for these technologies are already about 110 years old. Overall, however, the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues was again very important..
In your eyes, will there be possible applications of Metaverse in the area of vehicle safety or the development of safety functions?
Actually, we already have many possible applications. For example, we can assign our crash simulation in virtual development here. Furthermore, in our daily collaboration, we make massive use of technologies based on ideas from the Metaverse, such as MS Teams for video telephony. And also the provision of open knowledge via our Wiki pages or similar go back to this.
Will entire virtual worlds of a Metaverse be incorporated into the work at VAIVA in the future instead of the individual concept? As mentioned earlier, the metaverse has definitely arrived in parts. But whether we will ever work in the home office with VR headset in the virtual office I don’t know 😉.