VAIVA GmbH - Safe Mobility

A new brand underscores our understanding of the mission

We use our names to introduce ourselves. The name leaves an initial and lasting impression in connection with the image and the performance. Our own name appears on letters, in e-mails and on websites. With our name we answer the telephone and register for conferences. In short: Our name gives us identity. We put a […]

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Next Level: Realizing lifelong learning digitally

by Gerald Lifelong learning can also be fun. With Udemy, we have therefore established a new option for company and private continuing education in our VAIVA learning landscape. Since June 2021 the online platform Udemy for Business is part of our VAIVA learning landscape. In this way, we want to offer all employees a broad […]

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In Focus: ASTech Process Model

by Stefanie Dive into the VAIVA process world: With her report Stefanie takes you on a journey to the ASTech process model and explains how APM was developed, why a waiting time was quite important and when the way to the APM was sometimes rocky. APM – What is it? The APM is our process […]

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Real-Life Data for development

What if? How would an accident have turned out if the conditions had been different For example, would the injuries to vehicle occupants be less? The consequences less drastic? Could a certain driver assistance system have reduced the consequences of the accident or even avoided the crash? What requirements would this assistance system have to […]

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Remote development to make work more fun

Software development needs to be people-focused: Stepping up our ambition to create an inspiring environment around our developers’ needs, the company will offer a remote platform for every employee to make every day work for developers more fun.

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Functionality of the intersection assistant – what’s behind it

Once we have developed a function, this does not automatically mean that the work is finished and the issue is closed. On the contrary, the vehicles and the technology continue to evolve. That means the functions must be kept up-to-date at all times, including carrying out and implementing minor adjustments or extensions. The intersection assistant […]

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