VAIVA GmbH - Safe Mobility


Intern-Blog – Part 2

Theresa Ley,

Work, Swimming, going out to eat and soccer practice later. And btw: “Tim would you please bring our present to our friends later?” – sure Mom glad I can help.

In the beginning of my Internship I was trying to be in the Office by 8am and subsequently leave by 4:30pm. If I did good work or not during that time wasn`t important. After some time and especially in the last few Weeks I learned to work with the flextime model. To start working at 6am go to the lake from 11am to 4pm or finsihing up on a presentation by 10pm. Everything is possibe and can help me scedule my working time around the leisure of the day without lessening my output.

What is important to think about? – During the short timeframe of working with the flextime model I used the following methods to help me be productive and work on the topics that come up. To start, it`s essential to have a great overview of every project and step that is needed, that will help prioritize (Eisenhower Matrix) and work independently. All the methods in the world will not help if there is no discipline or that one idea does not come up. Those Ideas did not come to me when starring at my laptop but rather came up in conversations or soccer practice. The most important trait I learned was to be disciplined in the time that I was trying to work, that means no mobile devices or no tv running in the background. It was very important to communicate with my co-workers especially in the projects that depended on each other. That way we were able to talk about questions that came up and were fully dependable with eachother. What does that do for me? – Since I am flexible with my working hours my motivation shifted from finishing something to doing a good job with something and I am generally more motivated. My most productive time is early in the  morning which means I can do most of my work then, afterwards when the inevitable crash comes I can go out with my Girlfriend and get some breakfast. To make it short, I can now shift my working hours according to my scedule and moods instead of the other way around.

by Tim