VAIVA GmbH - Safe Mobility


Our focus: Vehicle safety. End-to-end.

Nina Mederer,

The next couple of years in our industry will be decisive. They will be hard work. They will be awesome – big challenges as well as big impact ahead of us.
By: Ole Harms


In the recent past there have been so many news/ opinions/ predictions on

  • how dramatic mobility must change (e.g. climate, customer needs, livability of cities)
  • how cars become ever smarter devices and being connected to nearly each and everything in the future (e.g. customer experience, convenience, safety)
  • how vehicles will drive themselves in all different settings (e.g. highway piloting, self-driving shuttles, autonomous parking)

Consequently, a fast growing number of incum­bents entered the stage throughout that time­frame with great ideas, impressive technological approa­ches & implementations, and – sooner or later – every big OEM and Tier 1 supplier embarked on a journey towards digitized vehicles, advanced driver assistance systems, and, ultimately, self-driving cars.

And there is a common basis, a pre-requisite, for all these nice and aspirational things to come to live: SAFETY. Without high-end vehicle safety there will be no fancy new features, no new efficient transpor­tation services, no customer trust, and no regula­tory approval. This is where we come into play. We at ASTech are focused on vehicle safety. End-to-end. Interior and exterior. Active and passive. Constant. That’s what keeps us awake at night.  That’s what we are keen to contribute to our custo­mer’s success.

Exemplary safety features delivered by VAIVA – 360°

Doing this we bring a special value-add to the table: We cover the full “V-Model” regulated by standards like ISO 26262 and thoroughly proven throughout decades of automotive development. Being safety experts in both arms of the “V” we think, design, and develop safety end to end.

Our safety journey along the “V” starts with insights from our accident research and scenario analysis. After this we are ensuring the completeness and validity of requirements based upon an in-depth understanding of the complete system and its pur­po­ses (System -> Programs -> Modules -> Subs etc.).

It’s crucial to us to validate and modularize func­tions and features before developing both system and software. While doing this we can more and more reuse modules and algorithms e.g. for situation analysis, behavior prediction, or error handling. We are aiming at creating high-end ‘standard modules’ that become state of the art and industry benchmark.

Safety engineering naturally is an integra­ted part of all our efforts leveraging our deep experiences in testing, simulation, and system and software veri­fi­cation. We put a lot of effort on the right side of the “V” as the most validated functions and the best algorithms mean nothing if they can’t be verified. ‘Safe AI’ as an approach to integrate artificial intelligence as essential part also of safety critical software systems constantly becomes a bigger and more important part of our work and expertise.

ASTech End-to-End Safety Architecture

If you want to be part of our journey and create big impact, then apply now!