VAIVA GmbH - Safe Mobility


Brain injury score (BIS)

Nina Mederer,

Our colleague Debasis reconstructed 70 well-documented head injuries of different origins using an existing finite element head model with the help of Visual Performance Solution (VPS), which is used to precisely predict the corresponding head injuries. He then compares these values with the results of established injury prediction criteria (head injury criteria [HIC] and brain injury criteria [BrIC]) and documents the deviations. In order to assess and validate the prediction quality, he reconstructed ix additional accidents involving brain injuries and discovered that his BIS was able to predict the injuries in a more detailed and differentiated manner. HIC and BrIC on the other hand, usually predicted too high of an injury risk.

Debasis summarized his findings in a 14-page paper and submitted it to the International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) in 2020. The IRCOBI is an annual conference that brings together around 250 experts from the areas of biomechanics, crash engineering, accident prevention and reconstruction, sports injuries and tissue modeling. Six years after completing his doctorate, for which he has already submitted three papers to the IRCOBI, this is the first one completed as part of his activities at VAIVA (former: ASTech) that has been accepted. Papers published by the IRCOBI gain a lot attention in the community and lead to a wide range of expert discussions. For us this represents an important source for expanding our capabilities and our network.

Debasis has meanwhile done a lot to further develop the concept and among other things improved the biofidelity of the finite element head model. All of these activities improve the prediction quality of our simulations and thus offer the foundation for new and better protection systems.