VAIVA GmbH - Safe Mobility

VAIVA Insights – A Look Behind the Scenes

Using human body model simulations in research

We want to reduce serious accident damage to zero. This is our mission, our motivation and our passion. To pursue this goal in the best possible way, in our research we must always include the entire worldwide traffic situation.

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Constant focus: information security/ cyber security

When it comes to road traffic safety, at first what usually comes to mind is intelligent assistance systems, connected vehicles or automated/ autonomous driving functions. However, an important part of our activities that is currently becoming an increasing focus of the wider public debate is information security in vehicles, also known as cyber security.

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How we work: experiencing and validating functions with the help of driving simulation

Before ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems) and HAD (highly automated driving) functions are street-ready, they must be thoroughly tested and validated. Among other methods, this validation process occurs virtually through the simulation of thousands of individual cases/ situations and physically through test drives in our test vehicles, in real traffic or on the testing grounds.

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More in-depth details, more findings: accident research optimizes 3D measurements

Our accident research team is regularly on the road, gathering information and developing corresponding 3D street models, always with the goal of achieving the best possible results for further development activities in order to reduce accident damage to nearly zero. We’ve been extremely well-positioned so far, but we want more.

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Our focus: Vehicle safety. End-to-end.

The next couple of years in our industry will be decisive. They will be hard work. They will be awesome - big challenges as well as big impact ahead of us. By: Ole Harms

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Machine learning for radar-based systems

What does the area of vehicle safety look like, both today and in the future? Which way is drivable – and which isn’t? What kind of objects or obstacles must vehicle systems watch out for? What kind of predictions can be made regarding the movement of other traffic participants? These are all questions that our […]

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