VAIVA GmbH - Safe Mobility


VAIVA from A to Z – L

Theresa Ley,

We want to bring VAIVA closer. From our technologies to our work environment, we present the most important topics with VAIVA from A to Z.

L for Level

In the automotive environment, we come across the term level time and again. The five levels on the road to autonomous driving are very prominent. The classification into assisted, semi-automated, highly automated, fully automated and autonomous reflects the degree of technological automation of vehicles. Different ADAS/AD systems are used depending on the level.

But we also use level classifications in the development of these systems. For example, the ASPICE levels are used as an evaluation standard for the maturity of development processes. Compliance with process standards is certified on a project-related basis in six capability levels. Automotive SPICE is based on ISO 15504 (Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination) and has been specially adapted for the automotive industry. Successful certification increases customer satisfaction and reliability in the functions developed, which is why we are particularly proud to have repeatedly achieved Level 2.

High quality standards are particularly crucial in such a safety-relevant environment as the automotive industry. The development of driver assistance systems is subject to many other standards and norms in order to ensure safe use. All functions and components developed in a vehicle must meet certain safety requirements, or safety goals. These are defined using a risk classification scheme, the ASIL (Automotive Safety Integrity Level) in accordance with ISO standard 26262. The different levels – A, B, C, D – as well as an additional QM level are the result of a hazard and risk analysis (HARA). Three factors are analyzed: the severity (S) of the potential physical injury to the occupants/passengers, the probability of occurrence (E) of a driving situation and the controllability (C) of the malfunction during the driving situation.

The higher the rating, the worse the impact. When determining the rating, both the context (e.g. region-specific weather conditions, traffic density) and the interpretation of the situations are always taken into account. Ultimately, the achievement of safety goals related to autonomous driving and safety functions is often generated by redundancy (e.g. multiple sensors, different types of data processing) at different levels. This ensures that the failure of a single system does not affect the overall operation of the vehicle.

Every step in our development process is subject to specifications according to these categorizations. This is the only way we can make mobility safer for everyone and come closer to fulfilling our Vision Zero.

And L for Locations

Being close to the latest trends, the latest developments, the brightest minds, the wishes of our employees and, of course, those of our customers. This is essential for VAIVA. There are various ways to achieve such proximity.

One of them is physical proximity. With our three locations, we are right in the middle of the largest automotive centers in Germany. Most of our colleagues are based at our headquarter in Gaimersheim, near Ingolstadt. Our new office building has been available to us since 2018, where things are still changing all the time. In addition to our offices with flexible workstations, we have now also created many creative spaces – with our workshop room or to “switch off for a moment” in the common room.

From the south to the north – we move to Wolfsburg for our second largest location. Our VAIVA Mood can also be felt in the office design here. But what makes our northernmost location really unique is the regular breakfast that our Wolfsburg colleagues enjoy together.

For the smallest location, we have to go back to the south. But this time to the southwest, to Heimsheim near Stuttgart. The only place that is even smaller are the around 200 remote workplaces of our employees from their own homes.

But they all have one thing in common: you meet the best colleagues everywhere. Even if they are sometimes just smiling at you from the walls from the very special shots from the summer party, Christmas party or team event.