VAIVA GmbH - Safe Mobility


VAIVA from A to Z – I

Theresa Ley,

We want to bring VAIVA closer. From our technologies to our work environment, we present the most important topics with VAIVA from A to Z.

I for Integral Safety

When you think of safe mobility, airbags and seat belts probably spring to mind. But there are many other ways to make road traffic safer for everyone involved. For holistic safety – from active to passive safety – you need a 360° view. Or in other words: Only integral safety combines all safety aspects, from stabilized normal driving situations, accident avoidance, protection to care afterwards.

Therefore functions, sensors and radars must mesh perfectly. We specify functions, such as for passenger monitoring, develop algorithms with the help of virtual models, and implement them, either “hand-coded” or model-based. We do that for so-called functional prototypes or for hundreds of thousands of series production vehicles in embedded systems found in various vehicle platforms. And almost everyone knows such a Driver Assistance Systems, or #ADAS, from their own vehicle. In addition to lane departure warning, adaptive cruise control, driver drowsiness detection and lane change assistance, there are many other systems.

Behind the use of these systems is a complex interplay of software and hardware with various components. Through integration in a virtual environment and in test vehicles, we can “experience” all of our functions at an early stage and as a result achieve the necessary robustness and effectiveness required for safety functions in real traffic situations. To do that we use methods such as machine learning or we reconstruct real accidents in a simulation environment.

In short: We’re convinced that integral development is the only way to bring safe mobility to the streets.

And I for International

From Germany, Europe and the world. From Asia, Africa to America. Our colleagues form a strong international team. They shape us with their culture, bring us closer to their mother tongue and enrich us with culinary delights.

This diversity sets us apart. It opens up different perspectives, allows us to look at challenges from different angles and leads to optimal solutions. Thinking outside the box opens up new, innovative paths. That is why we are proud of our internationality.

Regardless of origin, everyone contributes their expertise and experience. This is the only way we can get closer to our goal of becoming an ever better version of ourselves and making Vision Zero a reality.